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August 03, 2023

I re-post this poem for Miriam on our 35th anniversary today. It originally appeared on Gentle Reformation on our 3oth anniversary. I hold to the sentiments expressed even more today. If love must

Barry York Barry York
biblical sufficiency


July 31, 2023

The Bible doesn't tell us how God will provide a job, a house or safety from a virus. But it does show us He takes care of His people—even when they can't foresee how.

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July 30, 2023


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July 29, 2023

Pastor John MacArthur has had enough. Faced with new executive orders from California Governor Newsom that churches must not assemble at all due to the Corona virus, he took a stand, made a

Barry York Barry York


July 29, 2023

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Keith Evans Keith Evans


July 28, 2023

Introduction: As a young minister, the pastoral epistles instruct and warn me regularly. On my shelf are a host of books written from older pastors to their young Timothys. In these works, veteran

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July 27, 2023

A phrase in a verse found in Acts 6 has always intrigued me. Acts 6:7 says, And the word of God continued to increase, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly

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(This article first appeared in the Reformed Presbyterian Witness--reprinted here with permission. That article in turn drew on one I wrote which first appeared here at Gentle Reformation. Anyhow, with the all the

Mark Loughridge Mark Loughridge


July 21, 2023

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July 20, 2023

The past four months, my youngest daughter raised guinea fowl from keets to young adults. Over this time, we enjoyed learning about them, seeing them develop, and laughing at their odd behavior. However,

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July 18, 2023

IntroductionI'm on vacation in England so I'm going to make this brief - in the few words that follow I hope to stimulate & encourage you by some thoughts drawn from John Gwyn-Thomas'

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Trusting Jesus Together

July 15, 2023

The Enemy, capital "E", is afoot. Seizing opportunities afforded by pandemic and politics, by vicious murders and violent mobs, he prowls like a lion. He wields the weapons we've granted him: the echo

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Pray for the 2023 ARP Synod Meeting

July 14, 2023

The Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARPC) Synod is scheduled to meet on August 18-20 at Bonclarken. The ARPC is dealing with a difficult situation with both our voluntary Denomination Ministry Fund (DMF) and,

Kyle E. Sims Kyle E. Sims

About Those Unclean Animals

July 13, 2023

Reading recently from Deuteronomy 14 about the unclean animals, I remembered a few things about them. I recalled that a distinction between clean and unclean animals had been made since the the time

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Doubting & Believing


July 12, 2023

环球网_全球生活新门户_环球时报旗下网站 - huanqiu.com:2 天前 · 环球网是中国领先的国际资讯门户,拥有独立采编权的中央重点新闻网站。环球网秉承环球时报的国际视野,力求及时、客观、权威、独立地报道新闻,致力于应用前沿的互联网技术,为全球化时伋的中国互联网用户提供与国际生活相关的资讯服务、互动社区。

Andrew Kerr Andrew Kerr

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July 10, 2023

Want an episode where our lawyer-parishioner is simply on fire? You've tuned into the right place! For the pastor starts asking questions about the role of civil government and Christians' relationship to it.

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Privilege Matters, Part 2: Autonomous Anonymous

July 09, 2023

As believers, our response to allegations of systemic sin in society must not be knee-jerk defensiveness; instead, we must drop to our knees in humble self-examination before the law of our loving Savior.

Rut Etheridge III Rut Etheridge III
servant leader

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As a pastor, I’m asked for counsel by young people contemplating their calling as they embark on education or as they enter the workforce. Inquiries also arise from people considering a career

James Faris James Faris
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Caught by Providence

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Caught in Providence is a television show whose clips are popular on the internet. The show features true scenes from the traffic courtroom of Judge Frank Caprio, who is the Chief Municipal Judge

Barry York Barry York

Resuming Breakneck Speed

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Years ago I went to see a film called Koyaanisqatsi. It was like Ecclesiastes without the resolution of chapters 11 & 12. It consists of slow-motion and time-lapse footage from natural landscapes and

Mark Loughridge Mark Loughridge

3GT Episode 187: How Long, O Naive Ones?

July 02, 2023

If you do not know where that question comes from, you may want to look at Proverbs 1:20-22. For wisdom is shouting in the streets to be heard, and too few are

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July 02, 2023

Singing the Psalms always brings truth to my mind and stirs my affections. My heart has been especially warmed by the recent Psalm settings written and sung by RPCNA pastor Brian Wright. As

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deaths of despair

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July 01, 2023

As "deaths of despair" are rising again in America amid the coronavirus pandemic, Christian faith offers to turn great hardship into abiding hope.

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The Danger of an Open Bible

June 30, 2023

The Bible is, hands down, the most amazing book in the history of the world. Written over a period of about 16 centuries, it is made up of 66 individual books. These books

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Worshiping in God's Outdoor Sanctuary

June 29, 2023

For the past five weeks, one of the locations of our two-sited congregation has hosted services outside to have a safer worship experience during the Corona crisis. As we are located near the

Barry York Barry York